We are health enthusiasts with a zest for travel. Recently, we embarked on a journey to the Thuringian Forest in Germany. This was an adventure like no other - wholesomely inspiring.
It was a serendipitous experience; as if fate brought us exactly where we needed to be, meeting like-minded companions with the same values. When we returned home we wanted to share a piece of what we had found there with the community here.
We strive to keep our hearts open to the inspiration given each day, no matter where life takes us. Most importantly, to also pass it along and share it with others.
So why the name and the logo?
The Bluebird and the Sun are symbols of joy and a new beginning.
Our mission is to energize and improve our overall well-being, allowing true joy in life, and a deep appreciation for the gifts nature gives us with each new day.
Here’s to a joyful new beginning!